Mum complains about having no money - yet she's a spendaholic?


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Ok so my parents have split up and i live with my mum, brother and sister. My mums CONSTANTLY saying she has no money, telling us that we have to pay for our own meals etc if we go out for dinner with her and stuff (which i don't mind) and saying like "oh can you try and get money from the ATM for me because i don't think it'll work" and goes on about how she cant give us spending money for when we go away (we never ask for money lol).

My dad gives her maintenance and she says it goes on like the mortgage and stuff... but then she'll splash out on clothes and stuff, not cheap clothes either, like name brand stuff. We're always getting deliveries of stuff. She came home with a new phone yesterday, she re-decorated my room even though i said i don't need it, save your money, she got a new kitchen... All this stuff she keeps spending and spending and EVERY TIME i question her about it by saying like why do you complain about money if you're always buying new things? She gets really defensive and says that she deserves it she works hard (which is true).

How can i ask her about it without her getting really stroppy with me? Like, i'm 18 and i understand that money is quite a personal topic and stuff but it's really annoying how i constantly worry for her and then she just goes on shopping sprees. She's quite childish and immature when i ask her about it so I really don't know what to do.. please help.
haha i say stuff way too much in this... sorry.