my best friend is a Fitness freak but shes prego?


New member
Mar 22, 2009
my bestfriend is 5 weeks pregnant.. ANd i caught her doing Jumping Jacks!!! and sweating like a pig!!! with a sweting suit on..I told her i dont think it was appropriate but she says she read it was okay to exercize and run during pregnacy and that she was eating right.. IS it true? and her fetus is very small i dont thiink its healthy. did she just make this up?
a 5 week fetus is very small it looks like a grain of rice so i wouldn't be too worried you can exercise when pregnant however im not sure if sweat suit would be advised I do know that jogging , walking and swimming are great exercisers to do whiles pregnant perhaps google it :)
The doctors say that any excercise that you were doing before pregnancy should be ok after pregnancy especially if you're already in shape (minus a couple things); however, the sweat suit is not a good idea. If you aren't allowed in a sauna or hot tub during pregnancy I doubt a sweat suit is any better.
Shes okay. She just doesnt need to lift a lot of weight.
Running and jumping jacks are fine. She needs to slow down later in pregnancy. But there are several pregnant women that go to the gym to walk or do little weights and squats up until they deliver. Trust me... she will not run after the baby gets bigger...she wont want to. I dont even want to get up from sitting down and Im 26 weeks pregnant.

I go walking, and clean a lot (which is a lot of work) because I do the inside and outside of my house LOL. I even cleaned my gutters out 3 weeks ago.
Exercise is fine. She sounds like she's going overboard though. If you can get her to tone it down or she can cause herself to have a miscarriage..
during the first trimester which is what she is on yea she can work out and stuff as long as she's not straining herself, causing her body temperature to become too high is dangerous for the baby. She seems to have the energy now but just let her, that energy will be gone later!!! She's not even gonna be able to walk up stairs and she will start walking like a duck towards the end rest assured. As long as she's eating healthy and taking her prenatals everything is fine although one thing she should avoid is crunches or any type of workout involving being on your back during the second trimester.