My boyfriend is always talking about marrying me and it makes me angry?


May 28, 2008
we've been going out for five months.. and we're in high school. it's so annoying because he's always like 'i can't wait until we can get married' or like 'i know that we'll be together forever i can just feel it'
i do love him, i really do. but i mean, i'm a teenager. and the chances of us staying together forever are slim. i love the idea of staying with him forever, but i feel like him saying it all the time makes it less special if we are to stay together forever.. if that makes sense.
i told him to stop talking about getting married because it makes it less special for when the time comes, if it does.

but does anyone understand what i mean by saying that i hate when he talks about stuff like that? like, i don't want to be planning my future and who i'm going to be with for the rest of my life. i want it to just happen.
90 percent of chances are negative for u guys 2 get married! and u r alread felling it low(slim)........but d guy really loves u i feel sad 4 him!
Sounds like puppy love to me, you're probably his first love. If it really makes you uncomfortable then tell him to stop, he probably thinks it's cute but make it clear to him that it isn't and that it's really bothering you... But anyways don't say your chances are slim... because if it's meant to be than it's meant to be.

I've been dating my High School sweetheart for 7 years now, sure we had a rocky start, but now we are going strong. About to finish uni, we currently live together.
I can see your point... I think that your boyfriend has the best intentions though. He says this to make you feel special and he must really care for you!
Tell him that you have no plans to marry him. And see if he will stay with you anyway.

You've got to be honest and open about things like this. Because if you don't tell him the truth. Then eventually he will probably say that you've been leading him on. And he'll probably be upset about it.
Tell him your feelings and let him know that it won't be as special if it were to happen in the future, if he continues to talk about marriage. Remind him that you're still a teenage and you have your whole life ahead of you.