My fellow Christian buddys, help me...?


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Ok so ive been a Christian for about 2 years and pretty close to God. I go to church live as christianly (idk if thats a word) as i can etc. But i has quite a big problem on telling others about God. Ive never tried it and need help on walking up to someone and telling them about God. My Youth paster told us plenty of storys of people he saved.
PLEASE help because this is a tuffy for me
i was also in the same trouble as yours, i think saying of instances god helped us in time when others are in trouble will do wonders. Something true happened in our life . A wonder.

LIKE times u got healed from diseases, u saw a vision.

I hav tried doing this ,i believe it worked a lot.
Everyone should be allowed to believe whatever they want to believe. What a more peaceful world it would be if people stopped telling others that they will be punished for not believing what they do. If God inspired the birth of all religions, how can one be better than any other?
Well first off, praise The Lord that you even care about witnessing to people. A lot of Christians don't and are content being on the sidelines. But here are some tips:

1. Pray -- Pray for confidence, pray for the right words, pray for good timing and the hearts of the people you interact with. We do all things by Christ who strengthens us.

2. Start small -- Get tracts of DVDs and just start leaving them places. Leave them in stores, on the train, at the ATM. This is a very conflict free but effective way of spreading the Gospel.

3. Invite people to your church -- As someone who witnesses on the street A LOT, I find one of the easiest ways to witness, it to just say, "Hi, I'm from People's Baptist Church on 27th street and we are inviting people to come out and I wanted to invite you" and from there start discussing the Gospel or asking about their beliefs. People really like to be invited to things. Even when they have no intention of going. You'd be surprised. This again is where tracts come in handy because when you are closing your convo, you can say "we're also giving out Gospel literature." and give it to them. I think it's one of the easiest ways to get a person ready to talk and at a minimum take the Gospel from you. All the best. Just remember, we only plant seeds, God provides the growth. God bless.
Before I turned christian, i was always really bothered by people who tried to convert me.. i saw them as Ned Flanders. But one day i finally turned to God and met some great people who were very normal to me and it helped me realized that these people can be cool and have their own beliefs too. A bunch of us were talking and this thing that one girl said to me really hit me. She was talking about how as a Christian, she believed that through Jesus Christ we can find bliss and it is like finding something great. You want to share it with everyone and those you love. It's not because they are just trying to "convert" you, they are trying to share with you what is most important because their friends and family mean that much to them. It really hit me and i realized that it was because my friend really cared for me, that's why he was trying to tell me about God. He wanted to share what he thought was happiness with me. I think it is really important to know why you are sharing God with the individual person you are sharing it with. How do you thinking introducing God will be great for them. It's not a Ford mass production method where u tell the same people everything, understand what type of relationship you want to show them with God. Hope that helps a bit, might be a bit unclear.
If you attempt to "convert" people, the only thing you'll accomplish is making them uncomfortable and/or annoyed. You may think you're helping them out, but that's not a conversation that anyone wants to have. Would you want someone walking up to you and trying to get you to become an atheist?