My girlfriend hated PDA. Help?


Jul 23, 2008
My girlfriend absolutely DESPISES PDA! I've been trying to hold her hand in public, but she really just hates it. I also can't kiss her in public or put my arm around her without her becoming extremely uncomfortable. I know that she feels badly about this, but it is a little painful for me, because I really like her, and want to touch her as much as possible. I've asked myself whether I embarrass her or something, but she is totally not the type for this to happen... I also feel as if she does not show me enough affection. I have talked with her about this, and she has told me that she's been aware of this, and feels really awfully about it. She says that she's been trying to show me more affection, but I really can't tell at all. I just don't know what to do. I really love her, but this is getting to be a difficult thing to get over. What do you think that I should do, and what might be the reason behind all of this?
Some people just don't like PDA. Period. It could have something to do with religion or culture, past trauma, or she may just not like the idea of touching.

Ultimately, if you feel as though you don't want to maintain a relationship like this, I don't think you're right for each other. Regardless of whether or not you would like her to show the same amount of affection you do (or if she herself thinks that way), people cannot and should not change that much. She may be willing to show a little more affection if you ask, but there's no guarantee that she'll feel comfortable with it.