My Mom converted from Messianic Judaism to Judaism. Will she be condemned?


New member
Feb 21, 2013
I just spoke to her on the phone, and she said she doesn't believe in the New Testament anymore because she has studied both Judaism and Christianity all her life, and Christianity seems to have a lot of stuff that she feels is not right. She said that she felt more comfortable with G_d leading the ancients in the Old Testament, and the New Testament seems "made up" because it wants people to worship a guy that died on the cross, and G_d would have mentioned this to the ancients.

I have been studying Christianity, and I have been feeling the same way she feels. I just can't picture G_d putting his spirit into a man, sending himself to earth, and being up in the sky at the same time. The whole New Testament just seems twisted, regardless of what is in there. However, there is one thing that bugs me a bit. What happens if Christianity is the correct path, and old-school Judaism isn't? That would mean that we would both be condemned. I just don't see how there is a concrete way to tell which one is right, because both books have their own writings and instructions.
Aravah: I'm not trolling, dude........

This is a serious post.
To answer your technical question,the Holy Spirit can be in a multitude of places at the same time.

To receive an answer to your more general question,I would keep praying and asking God to reveal the identity of the Messiah to you if He has already come.Jesus loves to reveal Himself to Jews.Something about being the Jewish Messiah.

:close look:
Jewish answer: go away. Trolling isn't welcome. Your mother didn't convert to Judaism.

Pretend answer: only Gd and you know where you're called
I don't know, I was talking to a friend of mine about the Old Testament and he said that both were written by God, and he said IF you were a true Christian you believed God wrote the bible, not his followers.

But then again, his father worked very closely with the church and was a pastor.

I don't know if that's true or not.

I don't like the new testament for the same reason as you, it seems very odd a lot of the things that were in there just don't fit, how it contradcits itself, it talks about slavery on some of the verses and even pillaging, but I just don't see how God would want that.
Christians and Jews will both go to heaven. The Jews are God's chosen people. Jews just won't get raptured, and they'll have to endure the tribulation.

The Old Testement (+Torah) Is for the Jews (I'm pretty sure)
The New Testement is for the Gentiles (Believing non-jews)

@...Gun... I think that God told Moses (as well as Yeshua's apostles) what to write in the Bible. We know From reading the begining of Revelations that Yaweh (God) gave John a vision of the end times (what's written in Revelations).
First, the reason Aravah is skeptical probably has to do with the fact that your mom seems to have just "decided" to convert. Conversion is actually at least a year long process of intense study, interaction with a Jewish community, and a distinct process at the end involving a beit din and a mikveh. If you haven't heard of any of these things from your mother, then she has not formally converted. Both she and I are converts to Judaism so we're both intimately aware of the process.

The quandary you mention is called "Pascal's Wager." It says basically "believe in the most punishing religions, because if they're wrong you have nothing to lose, but if you're right, then you've avoided eternal torment." This makes a number of (possibly false) assumptions:
- G-d wants subservience
- G-d will reward you for choosing a religious path not based on your personal belief and reasoning, but rather on your avoidance of punishment
- G-d rewards belief, and not skepticism

Personally, I believe you should follow wherever your heart sincerely takes you. There is NO concrete way to tell you in Christianity, Judaism, or any other religion (or none at all) is right for you or anybody else.
God didn't put His Spirit into a man. God simply came in physical form and died on a Cross. He's come in physical form before. Read Genesis 32. God can be a million places at once because He's higher than 3 dimensions. He's God. He can do whatever He wants.

I believe in Yeshua because of all the prophecy in the Tanack about Him. Most of what people refer to "old-school Judaism" is rabbinical Judaism where people follow the TRADITIONS of rabbis. read 2 Kings 17:8.

i know how hard it is to believe in Yeshua and follow Torah. Jews don't like you, Christians don't like you. You feel like crying every night because you are lonely and hated. But Yeshua is YHWH. YHWH became man to take away our sins as is prophesized in the Tanack. He did not come to abolish the Torah (Matt 5:17-19) but came to show us how to follow Torah. Yeshua was Jewish. All this "Christian" nonsense was instituted by Constantine. research what he did. i don't celebrate Christmas / Easter. i celebrate the Jewish holidays. i also honor the Sabbath--NOT on Sunday.

read the entire Bible on your own. i recommend the HalleluYah Scriptures. don't give up. check out my site. i have tons of stuff. if u want to talk more, contact me thru the "contact" tab on my site.