My mom says im dressing like a lesbian?


Jun 20, 2008
Hi, so im bisexual but i haven't had a real girlfriend yet so i think my parents don't really believe me anyway my mom is usually pretty understanding of the way i dress which is like 20% girl 80% guy but its all slim fitting and fashionable, i wear make up and i style and color my hair nice but today i showed my mom these boots i liked and she got all mad and was saying, 'do you want people to think your a lesbian, are you trying to look like a boy!?' and now im feeling uncomfortable about how i dress. i do admit i have a lil gender confusion going on but what im asking is why has my mom suddenly changed her opinion do you think she is embarrassed by me and not being normal like my other 2 sisters?
i dont hate lesbians but i get grossed out when they dress like guys... who`r u kidding!! u think that dressing like a guy will make u a guy???
I think she isn't is "understanding" as you think she is. She seems like she is ok with your lifestyle as long as it isn't too obvious to outsiders. She may be having a hard time coming to terms with your revelations.
Don't think of yourself as 'not normal.' Bisexuality and lesbianism both are just as normal as anything else. Your mom probably just slipped and let her fears and insecurities about you show. She's only human and I'm sure she had conflicted feelings regardless of how supportive she wants to be. That doesn't mean she's a bad person; just human.

Hang in there and know yourself. Sometimes you have to be strong even when (or especially when) the people you love cannot be.