my mom smokes and i want to persuade her to stop?


New member
Nov 17, 2011
My mom smokes im 10 iv got a little sister shes 3. my mom smokes in the kitchen but tells us to come out nicely but i want her to stop before this gets serious . obviously i cant buy her nigerets or anything because im 10 so i have to ask my mom. She smoked when she had me n my sister but not as much she proberly had 2 or 3 times a week . ( WHATS WITH CIGARETTES I HATE THEM THEY MESS PEOPLE LUNGS) i see them in the shops all diffrent types i feel like destroyin them and banding them from the whole world . Please help me i need help to persuade my mom to stop smoking for me for my dad my brother even and mostly my 3 year old sister! i love my mom to bits but i want to stop making my mom get so stressed plus she exercises before. I smell the smoke it gose up my nose sometimes i need help please i need help
First of all, little girl, you are not even allowed to be on Yahoo Answers!

Second of all, your mom needs therapy not your help. The fact that she's allowing a 10 yr old to be online makes me suspicious about her brain health.
every time you see her cigarettes put them in the bin or destroy them it will be so expensive to replace them she will stop buying them and if she loves you she wouldnt spend extra money on cigaretes and keep the money for u unless ur a millionaire or sutin loool