Name this fantasy book please!?


May 16, 2008
I can't remember the name of a book i read a few years ago and it is driving me nuts.
It is a book, maybe a series, about a world in which a each kingdom is floating above another one in the sky, like an island. The main character is a criminal/pirate that i think is about to get hung when he is asked to do something for someone powerful and he ends up going to some of these islands, one of which i remember has dwarfs that mine for gold or something. I know that is not much to go on but i read it when i was about 18 so it was awhile ago. Another book i read along time ago that i would love to find is about a young boy that is stuck in a maze and figures a way out of it and ends up going on a some mission to save someone i think..... Any help would be awesome thanks :)