need a friend's opinion on a guy,friend's away on a cruise . He said im not the...


Jul 14, 2008
6 for him But keeps? I was dating this guy , but we were not together . we were just talking. We liked each other but a month ago he said he was too comfortable with me and we should be friends . a week after he said that he told me he miss me and we've been talking again . i like him a lot. he said he does too but i don't know .

I got out of class yesterday and my ex texted me and asked me to go see a basketball game with some of his friends . he had free 4 tickets.
I posted a status " first time at the nuggets game"
the guy im talking to texted me " who'd you go to the game with " i didnt reply because my phone was dead,. then he left a voicemail asking the same thing. then he called me asking the same thing . I told him on the phone I went with my friend alexis, rachel, timmy, and my ex. and then i told him , it's not what he thinks and it was just a free ticket and we all went as friends...I also said if i was in his shoes i know what it looks like but it's not like that.
he then said "I liked you a lot , i was thinking about your christmas present all day but then this bullshit. There's no point in trying because it's hard for me to trust you now. I not a good guy anyways, you can do so much better" i said OK
then we hung up
then he texted me I wish i could've told you in person, you deserve that.
I said I guess, all of this is still hard for me i'm going to bed

and barely he texted me " I hope you had a good day today " i didnt reply he text again " I hope you have a good night " I didnt reply . then he sent me a picture of me cleaning when i didnt know when we hung out.

What does he want ? what is he thinking right now ? should i reply ? say goodnight ? or ignore ? thanks