need advice on cooking a ham?


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I have an 8 lb ham that i plan on baking for my Christmas get together tomorrow night. how long do i need to bake it and a t what temperature? please note that i enjoy chewing on burnt pieces of the skin (weird, i know), so it needs to be in there long enough to get a little black.

i'm going to rub it down with brown sugar and stick pineapples and cherries to it. i normally use cloves to attach the pineapples, but i have to use toothpicks this year because cloves are $7 a pack where I live. what other seasoning might give it that clove-like flavor?

i know to cover the ham to keep it from drying out and to baste it every so often. what other little tips can you give me to help my ham be as delicious as possible?
Depends on the kind of ham for cooking techniques. Check this site for the kind you have.