Need advise I'm being harassed by police.?


New member
Jan 5, 2012
Back in august of 2011 my 18yr son was arrested for robbery.Since then the detectives have been threating and harassing my family. In November they showed up to my mothers house asking to speak to my oldest son.Never saying they had a warrant.When i arrived from work the door bell rang and i answered , the detectives began yelling at me threating me as to where he was.I was not home so i did not know. My son went missing into Rehab for a month and when he got out his lawyer called the police station to see about the warrant, if he indeed had one. He was being charged in connection to the robbery with his brother.We then turned him in. They continued to harass his girlfriend and threating her, they were gonna arrest all of us. Now as of last week i was leaving to go to a doctor visit and was stopped in my drive way and arrested . I am 38 and have no criminal history ,I have had a job since i was 16 and a bond was placed on my warrant for the amount of 75, if i was this huge criminal. I was being charged with interfering with an officer and tampering with evidence. I have not seen the warrants yet and don't even care too, it is not true. I don't know how to stop them from abusing the law and harassing my family and fear they will get away with making up stuff to hurt me and my family. I have worked 15years at the same job and fear if i can not get these charges dropped i will loose my job and never be able to work in my Field again. Don't now where to turn for help or how to stop them from doing this to my family.Need advise.