Need Woman's opinion- Gay leaning and asked out female friend?


New member
Nov 29, 2010
Now her and I have been friends for about four years since the middle of high school. I have gone out with only men in the past(i'm not flamboyant or anything like that), but about a week and a half ago she made pass at me while she was tipsy. At the time I figured it was just the alcohol talking, but after a few days I really felt flattered by it. So a few days later I decided to call her up and ask her out,I said that I felt there had been a spark between us that we never did anything about, and that even if she said no that I would have no hard feelings as I really enjoy being her friend. Not surprisingly she said she would need some time to think about it, and that she would call me later. Now it's five days later and even though she probably has been busy with work most days, she has not contacted me back. I am wondering from a woman's perspective, how much time do you think you would need in such a situation to make a decision and would you be weirded out if a friend who had only ever been with guys asked you out?