Nintendo 3DS XL Question?


May 18, 2008
Hey guys what's up? I have a Nintendo 3DS and I know the XL comes out August 19th. I was wanting to know what all of you were thinking about it. Like if you guys get one like I plan on doing do you think they will come out with something better for it like Super perfect 3D with 9 hours of battery life lol In other words I'm not sure if I should get it because what if they do come out with something better for it right away. That's what I hate you buy something and like 2 months later they decide to release something more awesome. Should I go ahead and get it? I do want a bigger screen but I don't want to get it and 2 months later Bam something better lol I wish the creator or whatever would be like we plan on releasing a 3DS XL with 2 circle pads with super 3D and 9 hour battery life that way we could wait. Thoughts?
I forgot to mention that I plan on trading in my 3DS through gamestop or something because I know they will probably have some kind of promotion or trade in special. That way I can trade it in and pay the difference.