Normal behavior for mare in heat?


May 14, 2008
I have a few questions about my mar that I think might be in heat... So to start off I have one mare and four geldings, and I think my mare may be in heat. I first started wondering if she was in heat when I was in the pasture petting my two year old gelding when one of the other geldings started nickering, and I turned to look and he was walking towards my mare and when he got to her they stopped and sniffed at each other then started squealing and kicking their front legs out at each other like I've seen alot of horses do when they first meet. None of the other geldings take any notice of her, so I'm wondering if maybe he was used as a stud at one time or maybe he was gelded wrong. A few days after that I was going to take her for a ride and when I got on she started bucking, which she never does even though she's only 4. She did this once before and I thought it was because she was in heat, but then I started feeling around her back and she would try and bite me when I put pressure on one particular spot so I thought she might have rolled on a rock and had a sore back, but I guess that could have been due to being in heat also. Today when I was out with the horses my mare and the same gelding I mentioned before did the same thing, but this time he walked up to her rear and started sniffing around and she kind of spread her legs, but he didn't try to mount her or anything, then she turned around and like before they started sniffing and kicking and squealing. Are these all signs that she's in heat, and if so will the whole bucking issue while she is be more likely to go away or worsen as she gets older seeing as she is only 4? And is there anything that I can use to calm her when she's in heat, and what products might work best? And how often do mares come in heat and how long does it last? Sorry that its alot to read lol but I'm used to geldings and they don't have these issues so I'm kinda clueless about this.