Obama has won the second debate, poor Mitt lol?


May 15, 2008
Even Fox News admitted that and everybody knows that they are biased towards Republicans! I give them props tonight! They keep showing how Romney was being rude to the President. The moderator even had something to say about that! And the whole audience laughed when she did! Then even brought up how Romney flip flops. Obama called Romney out on his lie about being a "coal man", when he closed down a Coal Factory in Massachusetts! That's jobs that's been lost right there! People are saying Romney was just up there playing politics! Romney has been put in his GOVERNOR place.
Especially when he told Romney "You don't have a 5 point plan, more like a 1 point plan lol."
PRESIDENT Obama still won lol! Get over it...I knew people were going to make excuses and what not.

And Fox said Obama won...

PRESIDENT Obama still won lol! Get over it...I knew people were going to make excuses and what not.

And Fox said Obama won...

Desire...I'm a white person who lives in the suburbs voting for Obama. You are just plain WHITE TRASH lmao!
@Alovez....ummm I don't care...LOL..Obama won, that's all that matters to me. He even called Romney out on his flip flopping and that coal situation. & remember the part when Obama said Thats not true. A five point plan? it's more like a one point plan you have lol