Obama was greeted with such enthusiasm, excitement and happiness in Ireland today?


Active member
May 16, 2008
But when Bush came to visit there were only protests against him.

When Clinton came to visit there were also crowds and crowds of supporters; do you think the Irish favour more the Democratic presidents of America, and if so, why?
If you look back in your life to the people you liked the most at the time, you find they are the ones that did the least for you. Its always the ones that, at that time you hated, that helped you the most in the end.
Really I don't care how much the Irish love him or not, he is the President of the US, not Ireland, he needs to worry about his own citizens perception of him which isn't very good right now.
It was lovely to see, wasn't it? Ireland is a nation of educated people and they appreciate an educated man. Obama's connection to Chicago should not go overlooked, either, as Chicago is known as the Most Irish City in the USA.

For those who doubt Bush was greeted with less enthusiasm:

Irish Batten Down Hatches for Bush
US president's visit expected to provoke big demonstrations

by Angelique Chrisafis Friday, June 25, 2004

Every summer since the invention of the jet, Ireland has been invaded by Americans. The country of "a hundred thousand welcomes" regularly opens its arms to its transatlantic cousins, whose investment has fueled its economic boom.

But this weekend's visit by George Bush, the US president, has turned tradition on its head. Irish lawyers have signed a petition against Mr Bush and suggested he should be arrested as soon as he arrives. Clerics have questioned the president's morals and the leader of the Irish senate has boycotted a US embassy dinner to mark his visit. Anti-war protesters say they are being censored by a government desperate to keep a lid on demonstrations. The terrorism risk has resulted in the biggest security operation in the country's history.
I too would stop be angry at Obama for a little while if Obama bought me a drink. There is a youtube video of Obama buying a round for everyone in the pub. You can buy friends. I love the Irish and glad that he didn't talk to them in his loathing tone. However, maybe Obama should worry more about how Americans feel about him. Alot of Americans are not happy with how he is running the country. To say everyone outside America thinks he is god would be an exaggeration. I am sure not all the Britsh like him for example how he talks to them and rejects thier bust of Winston Churchhill. He sent that back to them.
Yeah really? Maybe he'll stay there where he is loved then?

-The Irish don't know what they want or what to stand for so no. Ireland was just happy no car bombs went off today.
I'm not entirely sure that's a good comparison since most people hate Bush - even conservatives. I think we need to wait for another Republican who is smarter than Bush was to visit Ireland before comparing reactions. I don't dislike the Republicans, but I DO dislike Bush, so I'd still protest against him, even if I supported his political party. I think they just greeted him with hostility because the man himself was a tool lol.
They were excited to see their "native son" LMFAO.
I wonder if they will build a statue like Kenya did.
Bush and republicans genuflect to the British Royals who raped and plundered Ireland for centuries.

As Christians, the Irish find such kowtowing reprehensible.
I have never thought much of the Irish people. this latest display of African worship has reinforced my decision to never do business with those people again.
People have a tendency to care more about a president's smile rather than the truth behind what he/she does behind the scenes, when the cameras are off and the curtain is down.
Europeans generally favor Democrats over Republicans, since Democrats don't start useless wars on doctored CIA intelligence.