Okay, Just How Creepy is This...Stalker Alert LOL!?


May 14, 2008
Back in December I went on Match when I broke up with my ex. I soon connected with Rick. Within a few days it became apparent that Rick has issues. He was e-mailing me three to five times a day, without waiting for a response. Since we had shared that we went to the same gym, he kept trying to stage an accidental meeting, although I told him I don't socialize at the gym because I look like hell. He just continued to try to run into me. Still, I wanted to give him a chance and we graduated to texting. During the first text conversation he stated, "I just have to say this, I'm looking for a serious relationship ending in engagement and marriage. I'm not looking for a buddy. I need to know right now if you're on board with this." I responded, "I just got out of a relationship in which my heart was broken so I need to not rush into anything." After that conversation, I ignored his next text which I know is lame. I thought he got the hint, but a few weeks later he e-mailed me wanting to know if I was over my "heart breaking break up." I replied telling him flat out that he'd come on too strong and I wasn't interested in him, but he seemed like a nice guy and good luck.

I thought that got rid of him until today. I was on Facebook and I noticed his smiling face on my "suggested friends" list. Here's the thing..there is no reason for him to be coming up on this list! We're not the same age, we don't have mutual friends, we don't live in the same town, and we've never attended the same schools. In fact, usually it shows you WHY facebook is suggesting them as a friend...there is no reason given. I'm assuming he must be checking out my facebook. Somehow he found me on there which is no easy feat...and he now knows my last name. I blocked him immediately, but this is creeping me out a little. I'm not an alarmist usually, but it bothers me a bit...I only talked to him for four days two months ago. Seems a little obsessive to me.