Old Sci-fi game I can't remember?


May 14, 2008
Ok, let us see if someone out there can find this game for me. It's been a very long time since I have played it, around 2001 or so.

It's a game in space, you fly around in a little space ship and you have to start from one planet and expand your civilization and explore and gain resources to help build up the planets you capture. There are enemy ships and I think at the time there was an update allowing you to play with more than one person. Wormholes were rendered in 3D and you navigated through them.

The game is in 2D and was downloaded to play in client form. You had many different weapons to use against enemy ships and used a dock to interchange between them.

If someone could help me find this game I would be VERY appreciative. I have been searching online for years and I cannot find it.

It was a free to play game.
It's not Master of Orion, similar UI, but not Turn based.