Overprotective parents?


May 13, 2008
So, I'm 19 (turning 20 in June) and I live at home with my parents. I go to school full time and when the weekends are here I like to hang out at a friends house or go to the movies (I rarely go to clubs). Anytime I go out, my parents have to know exactly where I'm going to be and when I'm going to be home. They even call me throughout the night to check in on me. Right now I'm getting ready to hang out w/ a friend and some of his co-workers. My mom wants to know exactly where their house is and she wants my friends number "in case something happens to me". I understand her concern for me, but I'm an adult and I feel like they need to calm down with all this. I've never been in trouble or given them a reason to not trust me. I feel like I can't make them understand it from my point of view. Does anyone have any advice for how to deal with this? Thanks!
Yeah like I said, I'm a full time student. Moving out is not a option @ the moment. But as soon as it is I'm gone.
You've proven how mature and responsible you are and you're 19 so why they are doing this I don't know. Try talking to them calmly and reasonably. Brainstorm possible arguments they might have beforehand so you are prepared. Good Luck. x
your screwed my parents have the same shit with my bro who is 21, he bitches at them alot and argues like WHAT DO YOU THINK IM GOING TO DO ..... i would question with them alot and argue
I know exactly what you mean. I am 20, and my parents are like that too. I get soooo sick and tired when they do that. I just tell them I am going to work and just go with my friends and bf.