Palin said Obama was "palling around with terrorists" now she is whining becuase the


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Palin said Obama was "palling around with terrorists" now she is whining becuase the

tea party was called out? for being terrorists? What a cry baby.
Yeah! And the same goes for Michele "Gangster Government" Bachmann!
I can't believe she said Biden was a gangster but them she gets all sensitive
about "acting like trerrorists."
I notice that Palin was quiet as a mouse when the debate over the "hard stuff" was going on.

But now that it's down to the name-calling and fake righteous indignation, she is back in the game.
You're right.

No proof Biden said that. but here's a thought for you:

Bin Laden said his goal was to destroy the American economy and that is what the GOP just threatened with the debt ceiling. People who are sensitive about being called terrorists shouldn't hold the world's economy hostage.

Ummmm there is a huge difference, Obama was good friends will Bill Ayers who is a confessed terrorist, so when she said he is pals with a terrorist it was true. When Obama said the tea party are terrorists thats a horrible lie because they are freely protesting about being taxed too much, hes just afraid of the tea party crushing his campaign in 2012 thats all.
Bill Ayers is a confessed terrorist. And Obama and Bill are friends.

What's the problem?

Let the facts speak for themselves. They are so obvious, why deny them.
Liberals like you should be extradited to China. Play doctor with Chairman Mao's dead body you sick little pervert.
Does anyone believe Palin has integrity after leaving the governorship; doing the people's business; to make millions selling political lies. Palin called her neighbor would was writing a book on her a terrorist. Just because you don't agree or like someone doesn't make them a terrorist; unless they provide evidence that we all would say, yeah that's terrorism.
First of all, I don't give a d@mn about what that *retard* says. But she has NO room to talk about anyone. You see, there's that proven FACT of her non relationship with Black Americans. She refused to hire any of them when she had that office in Alaska, and refused to meet with the Black Americans there to hear their issues. So it should come as NO surprise why she lies on the current President all the time. And she's still very BITTER over losing in the election, DON'T forget that lol !
wow you liberals are so worried about palin ,is it because she is a woman?
and do you still feel a tingle up your leg for obama because he is black??..