please help :( 13 weeks pregnant and no matter how much i drink or how...


New member
Nov 26, 2008
...many ice pops i have im still thirsty? how can i stop being thirsty? :(
no i have not had a sugar test done, i asked a similar question yesterday about diabeties signs and everyone said drinking alot was normal
i am only 20, and i am not over weight, im only a size 8-10, for now :(
This happened to me a few weeks ago. I'm 20 weeks. It may be nothing, just thirst. Your body will increase it's blood volume by 40% in the coming months. Blood is mostly water, so hence, you need more water. Still, hopefully your are getting prenatal care every 4 weeks. Mention it to your doc next time.
This happened to me a few weeks ago. I'm 20 weeks. It may be nothing, just thirst. Your body will increase it's blood volume by 40% in the coming months. Blood is mostly water, so hence, you need more water. Still, hopefully your are getting prenatal care every 4 weeks. Mention it to your doc next time.
being thirsty in the begining is very common! i would suggest that you talk to your doctor at your next appoitment and if you are that worried about it i would call just to be on the safe side. your body needs a lot of water during pregnancy so the more you drink the better it is. my mom is an RN and she says that she recomend carrying a water bottle with you and drinking a lot. not only does it help you but it supplys your baby with most of the fluid around him/her. like i said if your that worried about it call your doctor. they will be able to help you for sure!!! good luck!
I would talk to your doctor about that. It sounds to me like if you are thirsy way more than is normal that there could be something going on medically. Having extreme thirst isn't normal. It could possibly be diabetes. My doctor told me that a small percentage of women develop diabetes during pregnancy, and then it usually goes aways after the baby's born. good luck.
have you considered that this is not related to your pregnancy.
Unquenchable thirst is a major symptom of diabetes.
see a doctor immediately
I have to say drinking alot may be normal but this is extreme see someone
just keep drinking there is nothing wrong with drinking a lot better than not drinking anything
I'm sorry to say it, but you probably can't! I have felt the same way the whole time I've been pregnant and I am 32 weeks now. I could probably drink 20 bottles of water a day if I let myself. I even worried that maybe the cause of my excessive thirst was gestational diabetes, which can cause that, but that wasn't the case. It's probably normal, but just check in with your OB about it because sometimes it can mean there is a problem.
go to the doctor you need some vitamins or something like that.... its your bodies way of telling you that you need something that your not getting
Have you had your sugar test done yet? Diabetes can make you really thirsty all the time.
go to the doctors now! my sister was like this and she had diabetes...drinking this much but still being thirsty is not normal! have you any other children? if so were they larger than an average baby (over 8lb ) this is also a factor that could indicate diabetes...dont worry too much... dont want to scare you but you MUST get it checked and sooner rather than surprised your midwife has not performed this test already? are you in the uk? my blood sugat was tested every week of my pregnancy...goodluck
I felt the same way, I was only drinking water and the thrist would not go away... that was until I made myself a lemonade. That seemed to work. Try it and see what happens