Please help..MVA compensation advice nedded..australia?


New member
Sep 17, 2009
Hi i have a question in regards to compensation for a MVA my partner and i were driving along a road with a 100kmph Speed limit..we were doing that speed a car in the oncoming lane was doing that speed also..she was completely at fault having admitted to becoming distracted whilst driving..
She just suddenly pulled over to our side of the road and hit us front on,
I was the driver, my partner sustained worse injuries then myself but i will ask about her in a different question.
I need to know an approx on my compensation with my injuries.
As follows

1 Broken ankle in back slab for 6 weeks
2 Broken patellas(knee caps)
Broken Acetabulum(right hip)
3 Broken ribs
Heavily bruised lungs
Broken right Shin bone
Extensive ligament damage in left shoulder(still waiting for further tests to show extent of damage)
Whiplash requiring ongoing attention
Broken nose(Required 1 1/2 hours surgery by Plastic surgeon as my nose was so badly crushed.Has left visible scarring over my nose)
Stiches in my eyelid visible.
Operation on both of my Knees to repair extensive damage to the ligaments
Thats it i think?

I believe i shall be out of work for at least 9 months and have on going promlems with my knees and shoulder.

I was trapped in the wreckage of the car for 1 1/2 hours whilst i was waiting for the cfs to cut me out with the jaws of life..The car was smouldering with risk of fire..The steering wheel and bits and peices were all crushed into my legs with one peice of metal actualy peircing straight through my leg.
When Emergency services arrived they administered ketamine so i was quite out of it and prety terified
Im suffering what i believe is anxiety now..
especially when in cars ifeel terrified at times i find it hard to breath im so on edge with othercars about.
I wake up screaming and crying after having dreams of the accident.
At the time i hounestly thought i was dying and saw my girlfriend in the next seat terrified also with blood covering her. bone hanging out her arm and thought she was dead also.

i would like to claim for emotional/psycological suffering for this..

Is this possible i do not mean at all to use the system only to recieve what i believe to be due compensation for enduring what my partner and i have both endured over the last 6 weeks so far..we did nothing bar be in the wrong place as another incompetent driver made a near fatal mistake for my partner. i and herself.

Any feedback answers welcomed
