PLEASE HELP - My baby is screaming his head off and wont stop :'(?


May 15, 2008
He is fed, changed and burped. Ive tried everything I can think of..


(Also - Im not one of those let them cry it out type moms, so thanks)
Thanks everyone :( If it matters he is 6 weeks old also.
Try swaddling him and/or putting him in a swing. Maybe even consider taking him for a ride in the car if it is not too cold.

Good luck
Agreed - letting them scream does not teach them anything, they are too young.

Have you tried lying down and have him sleep on your chest/stomach? This worked a treat for my baby (who is only 4 months old now) and he tended to sleep for longer too. For my daughter I use to lie on my back bring my knees to my chest and lie her on my shins (sounds weird I know) and bounce (gently) my legs. She loved it! And, it worked.

With the gas/wind thing, my mum taught me a trick......if they are white around the mouth, they have wind. Push his knees to his chest repeatedly.

Good luck, don't stress and sleep when baby sleeps.
My baby is burped, changed, fed and still in the next room screaming her head off. SHe has gas really bad and mylicon nor the dr brown bottles are working. a way to tell is she pulls her knees to her tummy constantly and she stinks!!
my baby screamed all day yesterday I didnt know what to do,

my health visitor was there when he was like this and she told me it was colic, and to give him gripe water at every feed to move the gas bubbles in his tummy I also held him across one arm with my hand over his tummy and rocked him, he is more settled today still a bit gassy but getting it up and down, my baby is 6 weeks also

oh also before a feed to rub his tummy in a down ward motion for 6 times then gently push his knees up to his tummy, then 6 times in a clock wards movement rub around his tummy then again push his legs to his tummy, this is also ment to move the gas bubbles, hope this helps :)
Maybe he wants to be close to his mommy. My son is 4 months old he is not spoiled but he just loves to cuddle ever since I brought him home. If you get tired get a swadler an over the shoulder sack looking thing lol babys feel comfort in them also.
Is he tired and want his nap? Try cuddling him... some baby just wan to be cuddle. You can sing to him or recite some prayer to him... Oh yes, try rubbing some oil on the tummy, it will help him to release the gas from his tummy.

I am also not someone who would let baby cry it out, it is very frustrating and heartbreaking to hear my baby screaming his head off...

Hope I have help in some way....
Get off the computer and comfort him!

-Rock him.
-Drive him around.
-White noise: vacuum, dishwasher...
-Put him in his car seat and put him on top of the dryer. Just keep him under close supervision.
-Put him in a swing or bouncer.
-Give him a binky.

He might have colic or gas.
Try gas drops or gripe water.
Or talk to your doctor to see if he can suggest anything.
Get off the computer and comfort him!

-Rock him.
-Drive him around.
-White noise: vacuum, dishwasher...
-Put him in his car seat and put him on top of the dryer. Just keep him under close supervision.
-Put him in a swing or bouncer.
-Give him a binky.

He might have colic or gas.
Try gas drops or gripe water.
Or talk to your doctor to see if he can suggest anything.
if you've ruled everything else out and he hadn't got a fever, it could be colic!?!?
Does he cry like this alot? Is it around the same time every day? If so I would assume it's colic. X