PoLL:If a Guy asks For Your Number Does It mean He Likes You?


New member
Nov 8, 2011
Okay so i really liked this guy since the 1st day of school he was really hot looool kinda like superman with glasses and kinda had the body like him too hehe ;D and so i got my friend to introduce me to him cos she was friends him(hust for fun) and then now and again whenn we'd bumb into eachother we'd have the odd lil convo but He' really smart and is always in the library and once me and my friend were revising for a math test and she asked him to help us out and he did and then after a lil while me and my friend were talking and then he tapped me on the back and asked for my number but then i couldn't find my phone and was like i think i left it at home and he was like do i know it? and i said no and then he said that's okay take mine and he wrote it down on a lil bit of paper and then i took it and ..... yh lol so uhhh what do you think this means i mean this guy is really cute and well...... i'm really not loool so yh what do you guys think??? :p xxx