Poll: What celebrity could you really relate to?


New member
May 25, 2011
I'm 15 and Black I think I'd be the Guy Version but black of Britney Spears because I done some pretty stupid and bizarre things in my. The things we done aren't similar. Like I got stuck in a bay swing and had to get cut out, accidentally burned down an apartment when I was 5 years old, and hacked a facebook user. And going to Psych hospitals
You might not know him, but I'm kind of like the girl version of Thom Yorke. He is unique and very creative like me, except he is 10x better :D We both think we're creeps when we're near our crushes, and sometimes, i just want to disappear completely.
I am 16 and i kinda relate to Selena Gomez.. I love the Fairy tale - y stuff always.. I am friendly and try to make people feel better.. Kinda like going around being "Everyone's Friend".. (Yeah, Thats rite.. Now , go ahead.. Laugh at me..)
So i relate to Sells, Yea.. :)

I'm still in love with Juda-as juda-as

actually ellen degeneres and adam lambert
I can relate to Lil' Wayne a lot. We're both black people who like rock music lol. We both own a guitar. We both smoke weed (Well, I used to. Just stopped last month.) We're both VERY talented and creative. And we both frequently feel misunderstood. People look at us like we're strange and weird but at the same time, like our style and try to be like us... Idk why but I just totally get him.