Q... who is more crazy, the maker of a religion, or the ones who follow?


Jun 1, 2008
is it just me, or does it just seem so narcissistic psychopathic for a person to make a religion and value themselves as a divine importance beyond anyone else.
L Ron Hubbard was an absolutely appalling science fiction author but he lived an awfully privileged life as the leader of the scientologists (who are clearly batsh!t crazy).
I don't believe religious people should think they're better then others. God is where the value should be placed because noone is divine without God.
the leader done fell and hit his head. The followers are the lambs, innocent mostly, maybe gullible, but not demented like the fella who puts his own blinders on.
More likely, they're aware of what they're doing and enjoying every minute of scamming new "converts". So I would say that the believers are more crazy usually.