Rant: Does anyone think beauty spots are nice?


Jun 5, 2008
In particular the one above peoples lips that suddenly disappear then reappear the next time i see them.
Ive seen some people draw it on and make it big, looks disgusting tbh why do people have this :'(
it doesnt even look good!
If it's small then I could care less.
If it's abnormally huge, then yeah, looks bad.
But people are gonna do what they want, despite ranters.
I have this big one on my left cheek, my parents say it's cute and all but i absolutely hate the way it shows up on pictures. ugh.
I think it looks good if it's natural. If it's obvious it's been painted on then it looks cheap and tacky.
you can't do much about natural ones
and sometimes they highlight your face
like, my mum has one just off her cheek bone and it looks adorabubble.

sometimes artificial ones are sexy.
such as in a 20's or 50's look