Recommend a romantic plush hawaiian vacation for us?


Apr 7, 2008
My husband and I want to spend 5-7 days in Hawaii this August for the honeymoon we never had. Would also like to renew vows.We want to be near a nice beach and beautiful views and resort or villa. We don't really mind which island but I was doing a little preliminary research and loved Kauai for its lushness and romance. We want to stay under $400 a night in accomodations but we want something nice also. Can you please recommend something for us? We had originally booked something in the Caribbean (Barbados) during this time but will most likely be getting our money back because Hubby still does not have his green card and there's no telling when. He can only travel within the US currently. Thanks.
Hey Jilly, you know you ask good question, so I do my best to help out, ok? Sound like you realistic bout cost, and I got some idea for you, so here goes, ok? Kauai great place to visit, also live, here some idea for you on that island, Grand Hyatt at Poipu gonna be first choice if it were my choice, cause they on Poipu beach, which great beach, and they have some of landscape on island, and have great price in August, so on Kauai, that be my choice. ok? 2nd choice gotta be any resort at Princeville, that onna north side of island, very nice hotels there, all good, also Princeville Bed and Breakfast, my own fav, but no bad one there, but gonna be maybe little rainy there, but gonna clear off, so no problem there, yeah? If you wanna romantic, lush with nice beach, you can't go wrong with these suggests, ok?
Renew vows easy, sunset onna beach, you inna long skirt, barefoot, nice orchid lei, you hubby in khakis, aloha shirt, barefoot, nice sea shell or Puka necklace, get Hawaiian Kahuna to recite Hawaiian wedding vows, get rid of Kahuna, have hotel get you wine, cheese, and fresh bread inna basket for lite snack, take walk onna beach...bring blanket, maybe spend some quality time onna beach...good times, make some good memories, yeah?
Peace and aloha to you!