religion assignment help?


Jun 5, 2008
These questions i just do not get, can someone please help me with answering them and hopefully provide a reference to the bible, because it says refer to one of the prophets from the old testament, or maybe just a site, thanks.

the first of the questions is this one,

In 250 – 300 words, answer the following question:

'The Hebrew prophets challenged people to keep the demands of the covenant?'

Discuss the accuracy of this statement with reference to one prophet from the Old Testament.
On a separate page, include a bibliography that uses four or more resources and provide an
annotated bibliography.

and the second question is:

In 250 – 300 words, discuss the following statement:

‘One of the reasons that the Church continues to declare saints is to provide contemporary role models for us’.

Use a saint of your choice to show how this person can be a role model for people living in the 21st
Century. You must use four or more resources and provide an annotated bibliography.