Return of the plantain! Fernando Rodney brings WBC prop to Rays photo day


Jun 17, 2007

Yes, a piece of fruit has reached that level of superstardom where regardless of when or where it shows up, it immediately becomes the center of attention.

Honestly, I don't know how this stuff happens. I just go along with the flow.

Anyway, Saturday was photo day for the Tampa Bay Rays, which for closer Fernando Rodney meant it was the perfect day to reintroduce the public to his "magic plantain" that he debuted during the World Baseball Classic in March.

So that's exactly what he did, and now it will be forever immortalized as it could be seen holstered in Rodney's pants before, during and after the team photo was taken.

OK, so we don't actually know if it's the same plantain he introduced in March. For all we know this one actually could have been flown in from the Dominican Republic just for the photo shoot. That said, we do know with complete certainty that Rodney had a plantain holstered and then later showed up it off to the media gathered at Tropicana Field. That alone is enough to get people talking.

There are also photos showing Rodney with the plantain during the Rays-Blue Jays game on Thursday night.

What it all means, I have no idea. Perhaps Rodney is bringing it back for the long haul. Perhaps he only needs it for a short-term potassium/confidence boost. I guess that will be determined in due time, but at least we know Rodney's good luck charm is never too far away in case of emergency.

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