RHH: Buy/Sell: Big Daddy Kane > Rakim?


New member
Apr 7, 2012
I've finally come to a conclusion on this (mainly because I don't really listen to anything that old these days), and based purely on how the body of works sound today, I think Big Daddy Kane gets the nod. Rakim is obviously more important to the genre and has a bigger nostalgic connection to listeners of that era, but I think Kane's work has aged pretty well in comparison to Rakim. I'd actually like to see BDK put out another album soon, while I'm not really checkin for a follow up to Rakim...
@Dick B: You would seriously entertain the fact that Rakim has 5 classics? Wow, he must easily be the G.O.A.T. in your opinion then...

In any case, I think "Follow The Leader" is probably better than anything BDK put out, but overall, discography wise, I think BDK still gets it...