RIP News of the World

News Internation is a cancer on the world. I hope this is just the first phase of the Chemotherapy.

Let's look at their toxic assault on the world.
The Sun.
The News of the World.
Sky TV.
FOX News.

Yes I think we can do without these people. Sorry if you work for them but honestly contributing to the cretinization of your society isn't worth the paycheck.

The Bear.
The Nazis started from a fairly non-threatening stance in 1930s Germany - look what they mushroomed into. The Nazis were very into Media - witness the films of Goebbels.

Politicians and those in power love to manipulate the media; from the Nazis, upto current times. In the UK all our Governments since Mrs Thatcher onwards (no exceptions) have brown-nosed their snouts into Murdoch's empire - so they can get a twist on events that suits their purpose.

If you think we are bad, look at Italy with Berlusconi who uses his media empire to flout Italian judicial law as well as twist and spin events to his suiting.

Media from Shakespeare to the internet, is a tool to be abused by those in power.
Your point? Unless you think murdoch is paving the way for another Nazi empire I don't really see where you're going with this? So they used media to create propoganda, Nazi Germany had national healthcare it doesn't mean the NHS is a facist tool of the british government.

You mean politicians that run the country might have some interest in what news gets broadcast when their portrayal and reputation in the media has a massive impact on public opinion?
Slippery slopes start somewhere, they don't come out of a top-hat like a magician's rabbit.

A lot more than should be the case i.e. media bias generally favours those in power, even in a democracy - why? - because the Murdochs of this world want the House of Lords/House of Commons to bend legislation to suit their commercial end-game - which has little if anything to do with objective journalism and reporting of events e.g. proposed takeover of BSkyB by News International.
I wonder how many of these so called innocent journalist at that rag ever showed any compassion or care for any of its victims lifes it destroyed? Im guessing very little to none. How many times did they print whatever they wanted without a care for the person or there families. Accusations in huge full page spread, then when they where made to say sorry they would find the smallest space possible to try and say sorry knowing well enough that the damage was done and lifes destroyed, no sign of the innocent journalists then. ROT IN HELL ALL RAG JOURNALISTS, LAZIEST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET.
So whats the solution? We have no media because the nazis used it?

But that doesn't come as a suprise to anyone capable of thought. If you have the means to project some influence on people in power to your advantage I can't see anyone passing that up. The only difference between the Murdochs of the world and us is they have the means to do it.

There's no such thing as objective journalism and there never will be so long as its written and sourced by subjective humans instead of our future AI overlords and even then it will be propoganda to keep us docile and under control.

Just another thought but do people even want objective journalism? The news exists to spread the news but people read certain papers because they want someone to reaffirm their beliefs and tell them that their readership alone understands how the world truly works. Ignoring the problems with one man's monopoly on the media and the influencing of others is there any incentive for journalists to be objective?
Can't be bothered to start a new thread to ask this: How much power do the government have to block Mudoch's BskyB deal? I know all the parties have told him to "reconsider" his bid but I've read and hear a fair few people over the last week say he shouldn't be allowed to buy it and its wrong for the government to let him. That said I would of thought that however this deal might effect the media in the country and how high profile it is, its still a private business deal and therefore there's nothing Parliament can do about it even if they wanted to?
Since we don't live in a completely free market system (thankfully), the government do have the ability to interfere in private business. The most well known example is that they can prevent mergers or takeovers that could form a monopoly.

Governments regulate what can and cannot be sold quite frequently (when did you last see a slave auction?).
Yes, the Office of Fair Trading can block a takeover if it will result in one company having so large a share of the market that it is felt to be against the public interest. Or they can set certain conditions (for example, they only allowed Morrisons to buy Safeway on the condition that it divested itself of certain supermarkets which were close to existing Morrisons ones.)

I'm not 100% certain about this, but I think that the parties concerned can appeal against an OFT ruling but the ultimate decision then rests with the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry.
I'm not going to be shedding many tears for a rightwing tabloid filled with tittle-tattle about footballers and slappers.
Damn right! What I want is a really good left-wing tabloid filled with tittle-tattle about footballers and slappers. Surely it's not too much to ask for?
I did hear Llamageddon offered to do the job. Apparently he is in Amsterdam as we speak. Doing a photoshoot no doubt.
Well there's something tempting about sharing wealth equally when your current share of the wealth is minus several thousand :p
Considering the way News International has handled this whole affair and the way it's publications have gone about their business. I think the BSkyB bid should be off the table and News International should be banned from buying up any more of our media. Print, broadcast or on-line. I'm also inclined to think the entire board should be arrested and charged. There's no way P.I's were being used that regularly without the senior management getting to know about it. And now there's the issue about the Times procuring the medical records of Gordon Brown's son resurfacing.

I just don't see how the BSkyB bid can seriously go a head. Especially since their share price has basically collapsed now due to this whole affair.
Not only should the BSkyB bid not go ahead, but as I've said before, News International should be forced to divest itself of all it's UK media operations. It clearly is not a fit and proper organisation to be running our media.

These aren't just a few isolated cases which are coming to light: they have clearly been involved in criminal activity on a systematic basis. Not to mention wielding an unhealthy degree of power over our political system.

And all presided over by a non-resident non-taxpayer who thinks he can pull the strings of power in this country.

It's sickening.
The BSkyB share price has collapsed precisely because the News International bid is now in doubt! The Stock Market doesn't give a rat's ass about ethics, the Stock Market thinks BSkyB will make more money as part of News International and if the bid fails its share price will plummet further.

Interesting to see how many policemen associated with the previous enquiry subsequently ended up writing columns for NI papers or employed by NI subsidiaries. There could of course be no connection, given the dinners some of those officers were attending with the people they were investigating whilst they were investigating them.

I watched a policeman testify today. He tried to imply that there was nothing wrong with dining with the powerful people he was investigating, then acted as if outraged by the suggestion he might have been offered money.

That these people have lowered their standards to the point where a senior police officer would think this kind of behaviour reasonable beggar's belief. Ask anyone from any walk of life if it seemed OK and the answer would be the same, "Of course not!"
