Romantic anime show like "Shuffle"?

I know they kiss in the anime angel beats. Lets see... kimikiss was a very good one to there is actually a kiss in the first couple of eps on that one. I dont want to give you a super long list try these two first im sure you will like them. :)
Angel Beats - Guy appears at high school and disturbs the lady with the sniper rifle.
Full Metal Panic! - He's assigned to protect her but has no protection from her.
Mahoromatic - Killer android with tragic backstory is a maid and wants bigger boobies. Boobies warning.
Please Teacher! - You're married to your alien teacher. No problem, obviously.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - High school girl is a god. Subtle romance.

What is good really depends upon what you like. Explore and discover what it is that you like.

There are a number of places with assorted anime. features subtitled stuff, including some brand new shows. points out more things. But I suggest you start with because of there are popular dubbed shows there (although it's getting crowded with 4-episode samplers).

Go over to and look in Genre > Anime. You'll find an assortment of stuff.

First, register for a free Hulu account. This will let you add things which might be of interest to a Queue (list).

Then go browsing. Try an episode or two of things which seem slightly interesting. Keep in mind that sometimes the first episode is different than the rest of the show ("Ah! My Goddess" focuses on one character in the first episode, "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" shows a student movie, "My Bride is a Mermaid" starts looking like a "The Little Mermaid" remake until the yakuza show up just ahead of the zany).

If you find something that you like, look it up on places like the encyclopedia, so you learn how to describe what you like as magical girl, fantasy, or mecha. Places like have recommendations for similar shows.

You'll probably find at least a half-dozen things of interest on and you can explore further with related things. Some shows may seem kind of interesting, such as maybe a romantic comedy (romcom) where the characters or situation don't quite appeal to you, but that might lead you to explore similar shows until you find a mix which is more interesting to you.