Romantic Vacations/Closed Loop Cruise?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Hello me and my husband our expecting a baby soon I am 4months along so while it is still safe for me to fly we really would like to go on a romantic relaxing cruise. The problem being neither one of us has a passport right now but I hear if we do a closed loop cruise where you get on and stay on the boat until it comes back to our port again, might be an option for us. But I can not find any more information about these type of cruises on the internet. We are on a budget we are looking to do maybe 4-5 days tops and our budget is about $2000 for flight and cruise.If anyone knows any good options for us or where I can go to book one of these cruises is great appreciated. Like I said before I am pregnant so we would like to start planning and booking as soon as possible while it is still safe for me travel.
1) a closed loop cruise does NOT mean you stay on the ship and don't get off at any ports. It means the cruise starts and ends at the same US port. So a US citizen can go with just a certified birth certificate and government issued photo ID. And can get off and explore any of the ports the ship stops at. So go to any travel site like Orbitz, Expedia, or Travelocity, and look at cruises that start and end at the same US port since they all qualify.
2) cruise lines have their own rules as to how pregnant you can be and still cruise, and you will need a doctor's note to certify how many weeks along you are, and that s/he feels it's safe for you to travel. Generally you cannot be more than 24 weeks at any point during your cruise, but check with the cruise line to be certain of their policy.