Sci-fi plot ideas...?


May 14, 2008
I'm writing a science fiction story, and I need some inspiration (I've got writer's block and it's driving me insane). I'm just looking for random sci-fi ideas. I don't even need whole plots, but if you've got them that's cool with me too. I'm mainly looking for something that involves time travel and/or the interaction between humans and aliens and a conflict. Nevertheless, if you've got an idea, please answer. c:
guy goes somehow to secret world
with freaky people almost like in the movie avatar
guy tries to go home
then decides to help alien people cause weird things happen...
Okay, your story needs my idea. Well, my bank account needs your money. Seems like a fair trade, no?
sun is gonna get blown up only technology to stop it is in the hands of an extinct alien race
humans and aliens travel around the galaxy to find the pieces of the device to stop the sun from dying.
I'll answer your question if you answer mine. I do have a sci-fi idea but I don't write that Genre, my brain doesn't wire that way, but before I tell you I want to know do you class yourself as a writer or as a plagiarist? If you're not sure what that means look up (Plagiarism)

Look forward to hearing from you