She said she has a bf but she still acts interested...(very long)?


May 12, 2008
A couple months back, I trained with her. She was very sweet/ was as though she was trying to win me over. I've had guys act like that (just not as sweet/giggly). I saw her watching me nonstop in the gym, and the expression on her face...I knew she thought I was beautiful. It was usually a vulnerable expression. She tried introducing me to her friend, she asked about plans for the weekend. And she liked watching me do my thing in the gym. (Though in person, she became annoyed/rude around me...likely because I didn't show interest?) I texted her one day "Haven't seen you in the gym in a while. I've been wondering if we could get together sometime..." She replied with an "Of course. When are you thinking"

I did not have a date set, or a time and place. I didn't really see it as a date. I said I just wanted to meet up after the gym and we'd decide when we saw each other. I took maybe an hour to respond to each of her text while replying. The next day I saw her in the gym, I acted like I didn't see her at all. And the night before the meet up, she came over to say that her "boyfriend" had a doctor's appointment and wanted her to go (strongly believe it was made up). I didn't talk to her or look at her after that. She went on as though she wasn't ever interested. I will say that she "cancelled" in a really irritated mood...not nice/sympathetic at all. And she did ask if I wanted to reschedule. I think it's possible she was fed up with my behavior (like she wasn't there)

But then, she gradually started up again. I was smiling at some guy in the gym, and I caught her glaring from across the room. I talked/flirted a bit with one of the guy trainers, she watched, came over and stood within feet of us..directly in front of me, and watched. The next day, the guy trainer was pissed! (didn't say hey or smile or look at me, spoke over me when I tried talking, had a raised voice and quickly said she was telling him all about our sessions earlier that day. I catch her watching me; usually while standing in front of the mirror - she thinks I can't see her reflection as she's glancing over. I walked near her once as she worked out and she shot her head straight down and to the side -nervous/shy like. I asked her one day about the guy trainer and she denied saying anything but that I liked to be pushed hard and then she said she asked the next day how it had gone.

I continued seeing her watching me. I'd continued not being able to speak to her. I approached her recently and apologized, I felt I'd made things awkward and that she may be bothered when I come into the gym. I said the text may have bothered her. She wasn't bothered. She began saying "I'm sorry I made you feel that way" as she glanced back and forth between my eyes and my lips. She was standing close and she was smiling as she spoke. She'd said the only thing she was curious about was that guy trainer. She'd lowered her head and gone shy when she mentioned his name.She looked me in the eye with a cutesy smile when I'd said he was "just some guy". I told her I'd be entirely honest if she had any questions. I said I wanted to be sure we were cool and I walked off. The next day, as I was leaving the gym, I saw her with all her stuff leaving as well. I slowed down so she could leave ahead of me, but it seems she also slowed down. Instead of going out the door, she turned and walked behind me as she said "bye Kristin" and headed off in the direction I'd come from. I turned around to smile and she was looking back at me with a light smile. Her friends def. know who I am. And a couple of the guy trainers who were into me are now kinda rude/angry around me (she likely talked) I'm just really getting that she wants me to make some move..but she told me she had a bf! What do I do?