Should Blacks start a class action suit against Yahoo for allowing the


New member
Nov 2, 2011
racist rant to persist on their website? These Q & A's are supposedly carefully filtered yet selected rant and rave are allowed to post and stay posted while legitimate questions are removed or never even posted in the first place. How many users would like to file suit?
While were are at it, maybe we will sue the abusive users personally for harrasment and verbal assault. The Americans will be easy to find through their IP addresses, thanks to the Patriot Act.
Unfortunately any forum remotely similar to this one would contain the same inappropriate infantile content.
Bear in mind that many of these offensive posts are made by "trolls" - mindless idiots with absolutely no life who think it is somehow cool to stir up controversy on web forums.
Good luck with your lawsuit. By the way, you can't sue someone for being racist. can sue, but you can't win.
Can Whites start a "class action suit" for the tremendous amount of black on White crime?...That is your answer.
It's Yahoo's forum. If you don't like it, don't play here. No one forced you to be exposed to any of that. In fact, it's likely you sought it out--saw a probably offensive question, opened it, and sure enough it was a racist rant.

I think the part you don't get is that all this stuff you do won't work on trolls--yelling at the troll, reporting him, getting him banned--they are hoping that all that happens! Now as for a lawsuit, would that be a suit telling them to destroy Y!A if they can't racism off the boards? Are you claiming you've been harmed by something you read? Also, it's clearly not a verbal assault (it's written), so you may even have trouble figuring out what supposed crime they have committed.

I for one would rather they stick with what they have now--the ratings system usually hides the stupidest rants for you in the answers. I can avoid troll questions pretty easily. If someone does sneak a racist rant by both of those filters, it's not going to hurt me anyway--I'd rather let the idiots keep their free speech so I can keep mine. No one listens to those rants anyway.
Yes we should. But it should be focused against the ignorant fools on the forum.Not the yahoo answers staff itself.