Should I buy Skyrim on Steam or DVD?


New member
Mar 24, 2013
I'm putting together my first gaming PC and have decided to reward myself with some games. I'm wondering whether, if I buy Skyrim on Steam, will it need Steam to run it?

What are some pros and cons to getting it on Steam or disc?

I'd much rather have it on Steam than separate, and was wondering if it's like buying L4D2 on disc, in that it activates it on Steam. That way I could shop around for decent prices.

I intend to mod the fuck out of it, and want the Steam workshop for that.
I've bought some games on Steam before and its not bad, but buying from EA or Steam as digital copy sucks. It requires to download every time, even when you format or unstalling the game, you don't' really own the game technically cause it's stored on their servers not on your computer unless they allow you to download it first, like Guild Wars 2 allows you to download the game onto your computer.

I prefer the physical disc because it creates less problems such as faster installing, you can carry the disk, no need to download the game, you get the box and put it on your shelf