Should I get Reebok easy-tone or Champion Fitness stride shoe?


May 13, 2008
I had planned to go out and buy the reebok easy tone shoes because I had met up with a woman while walking and asked if they really worked. She said yes and I was set on buying them! Then I saw this new Champion Fitness shoe that is very similar to the reebok easy tone. I wasn't able to get any good reviews other than from payless and the reebok sites, which of course would tell you to buy them and how well they work. So I was just wanting a few personal reviews or maybe some links that could help me out before I go and buy one or the other. I would of course be trying these on in the store and doing a few walking or jogging exercises down the isl, but when you really get to exercising, can you feel the difference? Champion is SO MUCH MORE cheaper than the reebok shoe, but most of the time there are reasons for that. If the champion shoe works very similar to the reebok shoe, I'd more than likely still go out and buy them, nothing like a little more effort. But if there is a huge difference, or a major difference, I'd as well like to know that. I've had no friends with the Champion shoe to compare my information with the champion and the reebok shoe.
I'd really like mature answers, just another female trying to get her work out materials together. And if there are other shoes like this, perhaps in the middle of the pricing range, that'd be nice too. Price really desnt matter here, but I wouldnt spend more than about $125 on a pair of work out shoes.

Thanks in advance!