Should I go and see Lady Gaga Born This Way Ball Tour or not?


New member
May 16, 2008
I love music and am an artist, I am also a christian, I must admit I have heard all the bad things about Lady Gaga just go to Youtube and you will find so much disturbing stuff, that she is a devil worshipper is the the illumanati queen etc. Yes she has done many things that have made me twinge, but as an artist I really appreciate here artistic genius, her hard work and even some of her music, but as a christian aren't I supposed to love all and accept and never judge humans, even those things we do not accept as morally right? Well we all know she is coming down next week to South Africa, I got a ticket, christian groups are protesting left right and centre, I have told no one I am going, particularly my church friends and family, am I wrong to go to this show, I know my principles and beliefs but just want to go and watch a great grand show and be entertained, am I selling out, would be happy for your constructive opinions.
Well, i think you shouldnt go :/ it could make you hypnotize with her music. And she is satanism ! Im worry you'll much care about her than your own religion. Im muslim btw :)