Should I talk to his 'joke' baby mama?


May 12, 2008
I have never gone through my boyfriends phone before and we have lived together for almost six months now. But he has always been very secretive about his phone. He never leaves it in a room with me, he will always take it with him if he goes to the bathroom, etc. Anyway the other day he was running late for work and he left it at home. He was still logged onto facebook and I saw a conversation between him and a girl (Who I've never heard about) and he was asking her if her baby was his, and that's why he kept an eye on her for so long, and that they had such a great time together and he might be up to see her again soon, etc. I asked him about all of this and he said it was a joke and nothing ever happened with this girl. Everyone just thought they were sleeping together, so he made a joke about it. We recently lost a baby (Before this happened) and I think it was so insensitive that he would joke about having a child with another girl. \

I know he's probably a lying dog, but should I ask to talk to this girl and see if A. Anything happened between them, and B. If he could be the father of her baby..?
He's VERY obviously lying, he slept with her and was sincerely wondering if it was his baby. I have no doubt whatsoever of this. if you believe him, you are a fool. Get away from him before he hurts you more.

TO answer your question, yes, you should talk to her. But no, don't ask him permission first... just contact her and see what kind of response you get. I'm guessing that she will completely ignore you, IF she knows about you. If not, then you two are in for quite the conversation. Prepare yourself, it's not going to be easy.
It does,nt sound like something you would joke about
I,m sorry you lost your baby but you certainly should,nt
even try for another one with him
If you could get in touch with her then you should
It sounds as if he is playing both of you
You can ask, but he will have 6 ready made excuses why you can't talk to her. The MAIN reason why you can't talk to her is because she will not support his lies.

When a person goes to this much effort to hide something, then its a damn sight more then "just a joke".
Women lie, remember that. They will lie and say its nothing or lie and say its something. Not all the time, but enough.

You know if you got a dog ass nucca. If he is a dog, call him as such and treat him as such.
I'd talk to her. I'd confront the idiot BF, too. He is not worth your heartache. Get rid of him