since the idea of a soul wasn't even unique to Judaism, isn't that proof...

Please don't ever use this argument, it makes the rest of us non believers look bad.

If souls were true, it makes sense for the concept to show up in other religions.
...that it's just made up? The concept of a soul was around long before Moses came along, proving that Moses must have got that idea from the area.

Anyway, isn't that proof it's all fake since the concepts he were using weren't even new or "unique" to the abrahamic god?
Nope. That is called a logical fallacy. Perhaps the idea of a soul is true and that God revealed this to many different peoples and that is why it is believed among others too. Let's rephrase your statement: Because other religions believe in a soul also, then that must mean a soul is not true. Do you now see the logical error here?

Here are some more examples of logical fallacies

"the practice of circumcision was practiced in the ancient world by a number of peoples—including the Egyptians—but few Jews or Christians would say that its divinely authorized use in Israel was an example of "pagan corruption" "

"Nobody should accept this particular scientific theory because it was developed by an atheist."
During the Renaissance most of the powerful churches in the world did their best to silence scientists who tried to say the Earth was round, especially Astronomers. In the church's eyes during that time God created the world. That was the schtik, God created the world! Then we discovered the Universe and other Galaxies. The new schtik? God created that, too. Anything new that comes along in science, "God created it!"

Just like the spoiled kid who always gets his way, they're making stuff up as they go along.
No. On the contrary, it proves that others knew about the idea as well.

And please show some respect and capitalize your G's in God people. You show no self respect when you forget that, let alone respect for God.
Catholic Corrector, you are making what is called a "sophism" i.e. trying to prove something on the wrong premise. The idea of a soul being there before Moses, so it "wasn't new" doesn't mean that it is not real or acceptable. Not everything before Moses should be thrown out as rubbish, and perhaps Moses was a person with quite some foresight.
The fact that the "soul" is not unique to Judaism does not prove this idea fake. If anything, it proves our intrinsic human belief in the notion of souls. The idea of a soul is seen in many current world religions, and many pagan religions of the past. The idea of a soul is even seen in remote, isolated areas of the world.

Of course the ideas of the Abrahamic faiths aren't unique, a religion that promotes ideals contrary to current belief systems would never make it. Judaism, Christianity and Islam were not the only religions to come out of the Middle East, they were simply the ones that caught on and survived.

Never look at whether or not a religion is "true or fake." Instead, look at how that religion affects people who follow it and how it affects society. All religions have truth to them to the people that follow them.
It could be proof of the prophetic tendency of God.

Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. - Amos 3:7

This shouldn't be startling as Abraham wasn't born as a Jew but descended from the Chaldeans of Ur (Sumeria). God is therefore the Lord and Creator of all nations (See Galations 3:7), to the Jew first and then to the Gentile.

"The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: "All nations will be blessed through you."
Using the same logic, you would say that gravity is fake as it was around a long time before Newton proving that Newton must have gotten the idea from the area.
yeah it isn't a secret that the Abrahamic religions stole just about everything from other cultures and mythologies
Only because the idea of a soul wasn't new doesn't mean it was fake. So what if he got the idea from the area? That's like saying the idea of sex is fake because we haven't recently been told by God that it exists.
I really do not understand the logic of your argument.
The idea of a soul was borrowed from earlier religion, doesn't mean it's more false or true. Just means that the people who practice the religion share common belief with those who believe in a soul.