
That's utterly sickening...

I hope the person responsible gets caught and punished to the full extent of the law.
Happens a lot. Respect is now necessity to some people up there with air and water and some people are so deperate for it they will do stuff like this.
just one thing i would point out he isn't dead yet so let's hope he pulls through, even though the Standard in the subtlest of ways said he isn't expected to survive
Let's hope for a speedy recovery and that the person responsible never walks free again.
Hope he pulls through.

It seems to me that the type of idiot who bangs on the most about 'respect' are usually the ones who have the least understanding of what the word actually means. They think it has something to do with 'fear'.
Thats a shame! Would have been fun to throw stuff at them as they walk to the gallows.

These sort of people really need to get execute!
If the facts are as reported, then I'd tend to agree...

The illegal smoking issue aside, he was carrying a handgun (illegal in this country), started a fight when asked not to smoke (also illegal) and shot a man in the head (illegal), possibly killing him (illegal).

Quite frankly I don't like the idea of having to share a country with such a disgusting individual if all these things are true, and at the very least I think he should be locked up never to see the light of day again.