So i've gone 6 months with barely any thoughts about him then he appears...


New member
Jul 4, 2011
0 my dream? Meaning of this? I liked this guy for a year but he never liked me back. Didn't even want to friends for that matter though I didn't even know why. But he used to stare at me when I walk by sometimes and still does but never talks to me even though I talked to him sometimes. It was strange so I got over him fully and never thought about him once for 6 months until my dream.

So I had a dream that he was at my house with some friends and he was kinda giving me a cold shoulder and if he did talked to me it was in a icy tone. Then we were alone in my room because everyone left but he was still there and he was asking if he could see my iPod and I was annoyed at him so I didn't let him but then i don't know he started to be nice to me and then I let him see it and we watched some funny videos on youtube on my iPod and stuff and were laughing and were cuddling on the couch then I woke up.

So I know that's far from reality right now and it doesn't change anything. So what do you think this dream could possibly mean?
Never have preoccupied views. they let you down and cause psychological deviation. you can not concentrate on any issue. Being sensual /craving desires on the pretend of love or liking is obnoxious. righteous conduct can help you at this moment.