Sony Ericsson W518a speaker feature broken?


New member
Dec 23, 2008
I've had this phone for about 8 months. It freezes out of nowhere sometimes, but other than that it's been pretty sturdy. I'm abnormally clumsy, and tend to drop things repeatedly. This proved the case with the phone, yet the phone has never broken or messed up... until now. I was making pancakes while on a call, and had the phone sitting on top of something on a different counter. Something happened (don't remember what) and the phone fell off the thing it was on and onto the counter. It was a less than 6 inch drop, and I've dropped the phone much farther many times. I didn't notice a difference right away, but some time later I noticed the person I was talking to sounded distant and robotic (like when you talk into a fan). I'm quite certain the phone did not fall into any liquid--there was none on the counter after. I tried turning the phone off and back on, with no change. I turned the phone off for a while, and turned it back on later-- still no change. I turned it off and tried dabbing the speaker with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol... still no change. The AT&T store is too far away to drive without trying to find answers here first. For the record, the sound is fine when not on speaker mode, but extremely distorted and fuzzy when it is on speaker.