Survey: Do you think you've made a difference in somebody's life besides your parents'?

Survey: Do you think you've made a difference in somebody's life besides your parents'?

I don't know my father, my step-father is an alcoholic and could give a s**t about me or the rest of his family, and my mother resents me because I was born from a rape and my grandmother wouldn't let her abort me. So, if I've made a difference in my parents' life, it's only that of a burden.However, I do have an amazing little sister and cousin, a wonderful fiance, and 2 best friends who have stuck with me since the 3rd grade. And whether I'm helping with homework, making dinner, or helping get over an ex-boyfriend - all I hear is, "I don't know what i'd do if you weren't here!" I know that i make a difference in their lives for the better. And that little line makes it worth it to be alive.