*SURVEY* Your day...?


New member
Jul 4, 2008
I want a few details about you that might help me see where I am going wrong with things.
I won't be telling you my details because I don't want to be judged.

I want to know:
-Your age.
-Your gender.
-Your height
-Your weight (if you are replying from somewhere other than the UK, can you convert your weight into stones and lbs. Hint: There is 14lbs in a stone).
-Your workout (any exercise you do through the day).
-Your food (from breakfast through to evening meal, plus supper and snacks - I want to know what you eat in an average day).

I understand some of these are personal... but I'm struggling to sort myself out and other people's diets might inspire me, more.
Feel free to pick and choose the information you give, but the main things I want you to DEFINITELY answer are the weight/food ones.

I would love you all for your replies.
Thanks in advance.
I'm NOT trying to steal identities (hence the fact I didn't ask names/addresses/credit card detail) so get lost!
I'm NOT asking for links or advice... I want to be inspired and this is how I am doing it. Please don't offer me links or advice... just your information... if you don't want to give me that, don't reply!
What the hell, are you trying to steal identities or something? Get a life jackass.
-120 lbs, Im not sure what stones are but 8.57 I guess? haha sorry =)
-I jog around my neighborhood and I like to hike too so I'll add that in occasionally.
-English Muffin (breakfast), Protein bar (snack, b/c theyre easy to take with me), soup or simple sandwhich for lunch, salad or sandwhich or pasta (for dinner) and I eat out probably two times a week

EDIT: based off what other people are saying about stones I guess Id be 8 stones 8 lbs