Survivalists: i am going on a hike across the apalechians(sorry forgot correct


May 20, 2008
spelling) after i graduate? I am a freshman in high school and I'm just getting into prepping and trying to eventually become a skilled survialist. I'm going to drive to maine a few days after graduation and hike down to georgia along the apalechians. what would i need. obviously food and water, backpack, bedroll, ect. but could i bring a gun and hunt for food? Also what materials would you suggest i bring? it will be a LONG hike. probably a few months. I know someone is going to say "wait untill you finish college" but i plan to elist in the military when i return from the hike so that's not an issue. i just need to know things to bring and what i can't bring with me. (Gun for hunting, knives, ect.) thanks!