Suspected wasps nest in air vent! is this possible? how to get rid? should


New member
Jun 16, 2010
my landlord send someone? I have an air vent that goes from outside into my kitchen. I noticed some wasps crawling in the from outside, and then began to notice more and more. They started getting into my kitchen loads.
I suspected that there might be a wasps nest between the walls in the actual air vent?? is this possible? I've actually had my walls filled with cavity wall insulation so i wouldn't think there would be much room in there... :-S
Anyway, me being sick and scared stupid of these wasps coming into my kitchen my partner taped some cardboard over both openings, inside and out, so no more wasps could get in or out. is this a good idea? There was a good 10 or so wasps flying around the now covered air vent outside obviously angry that they couldn't get into it!
The tape is now starting to come away a bit, probably from the heat! it was taped over yesterday and i have still managed to have 2 wasps in my kitchen today!
Should i get a pest control person out to take a look? and also, if it comes to this, would i have to pay for it or is it my landlord's responsibility?
Sorry to go on for so long! Im scared stupid as i disturbed a nest when i was little and got stung luckily only 4 times, but enough to put me into shock. Don't want them near my son!
is it wise just spraying into it or something though? won't this just make them angry and try and defend their home?
Open your air vent ! It is there for a reason . Smoke them out smokey smell is less of a problem than wasps . If it was me I would get an aerosole and lighter and flamethrow the vent if it is a brick not a plastic one. This will ensure the nest to be destroyed and no longer attractive for wasps. If you can't do any of these options yourself call pest control .
A spray can of insect killer from a garden or hardware shop should do it, spray directly into the vent
You could contact the landlord though, it would not hurt and he may offer to buy the insect killer!
Wasps are always dangerous to human. Better to destroy either by fire or by spraying kerosene oil. But in your case whom to entrust is up to you. Anyhow you have to find out a solution.